Events Husro & Shirin
A historical novel of love, Poetry, and war
Primary Contact: Maryam Tabibzadeh / / (919) 327-7916

Amazon: Order online by clicking here
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Barnes & Nobles: Order online by clicking here
Event 1
Lecture and Book Signing
Iranian Cultural Society of North Carolina Presents:
Nezami and his Five Treasures.
A Lecture by Maryam Tabibzadeh
Friday, March 9, 2018, 6:30 PM Center for Multicultural Affairs
25 Science Drive, Room 0010 Bryan Center
Duke University, Durham, NC
This event is co-sponsored by the Graduate Student Association
of Iranians at Duke University, (GSAID)
Event 2:
Great News!
Maryam Tabibzadeh will be at the 2018
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
April 21st Saturday afternoon(2 pm to 6pm)
at the USC campus. This is the country's largest literary
book event.