In The News Husro & Shirin

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Lectures In Persian
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عارف قزوینی
میرزاده عشقی
جلسه اول ملک الشعرای بهار
جلسه دوم ملک الشعرای بهار
جلسه اول تاریخ مشروطه ایران
جلسه دوم تاریخ مشروطه ایران
Zan in Persian poetry
Bijan and Manijeh
Bahram Goor
Husro and Shirin
Lectures In English
soso bookstore
Interview with Carolina Book Beat hosts
Carolina Book Beat|News and Views about written Word
broadcast 9-8-2014
Following are Maryam's previous interviews:
The Latest from Carrboro Book Beat
January 25, 2010 Leave a Comment
Persian Dreams by Maryam Tabibzadeh (broadcast 1-25-2009) ticnovel.htm
Book Reading in West wood---->
Watch an Excerpt of Maryam Tabibzadeh's Reading - Real Video (10:31)
Interview with WEKZ - The Big Easy 93.7
Morning Mess
Monroe, WI 43566
"Every book begins with page one" Features interview with Maryam Tabibzadeh, author of Persian Dreams
A strong and powerful intimate tale of one family's greatest struggle in a time of pain for all..
A strong and powerful intimate tale of one family's greatest struggle in a time of pain for all..
Persian Dreams by author and poet Maryam Tabibzadeh is a historical masterpiece of fiction
that is a gripping and powerfully crafted story
Monday, October 23,2006
Interview With Voice of America TV and Radio.
Women's Rights
Author Maryam Tabibzadeh talked about Persian Dreams, she recently published the first novel in English.
She hopes her book, which takes readers through 100 years of history, custom and traditions of
Iran will help second and third generations of Iranians living in exile gain a better understanding of their
homeland. One of her main characters, Nosha, is strong and ambitious, who refuses to accept the second
-class citizenship that her country has traditionally forced upon females. Ms. Tabibzadeh said she selected
Nosha as a symbol of this generation of Iranian women, who struggle for equality, freedom and democracy
as they wage war against backwardness in Iran.
Roundtable viewers called in from Iran and around Europe to participate in the program.
Wensday, November 8, 2006
Interview with Pars TV.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Interview with Author's Corner.
WPYT 660 AM, Pittsburgh, PA; July 17, 2006 : 6-7 AM
WFYL 1530 AM, McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania; July 17, 2006 : 6-7 AM
WLTH 1370 AM, Gary, IN/ Chicago; July 17, 2006 : 6-7 AM
WBIX 1060 AM, Boston, MA; July 17, 2006 : 6-7 AM
WSRO 650 AM, Marlboro, MA; July 17, 2006 : 6-7 AM
Selected News
A novel written with poetry, Maryam Tabibzadeh's
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Persian Dreams: Iranian-Born Author's New Novel Explores Lives of Persian Women
Payvand's Iran News ...
Friday, February 24, 2006
This March Hats Off Books will be releasing author Maryam Tabibzadeh's fascinating
family saga of life in Persia/Iran. Spanning the 20th century, Persian Dreams follows
the individual lives... FULLL STORY
Monday, February 20, 2006