Maryam Tabibzadeh's Books

Persian Dreams are the dreams of the women of Persia/Iran;
Persian Dreams is a dreams of freedom of choice, freedom to choose
what the wear, and freedom to become all that they can be.
To get more information about Persian Dreams click here
Amazon: To order on line click here
Danger Of Love
What happens when cultures collide and lovers are trapped
in the wreckage? What happens when religion and feelings conflict, leading
people in different directions?
Russ is an English physician, a Christian missionary, who is in Iran
in the first part of the twentieth century.
Marjan is the wife of a Persian (Iranian) businessman, a Muslim, who was Russ’s patient.
They fall in love, a love that is forbidden by their cultures, a love that is forbidden by their religions.
To get more information about Danger of LOve click here

Husro and Shirin is the historical love affair
between the king of the Persian empire and the princess of Armenia.
Based on a true story which is set in the 6th century.
Husro and Shirin follow the individual lives of three people across three cities,
exploring the intimate details of their lives in Iran during this period.
It is as romantic and dramatic as Romeo and Juliet and much deeper than Cleopatra.
To get more information about Husro and Shirin click here
To order on line click the following links
Amazon: Order online or Order on line
Barnes & Nobles: Order on line

Just For You #1 is a bilingual picture book of 59 English and Persian words.
Beautiful illustrations enhance ease of learning. Common words have been chosen, starting
with the first eighteen letter and sounds of the Persian alphabet.
On each page, children will see both Farsi and English words, with an associated illustration.
This book is the first in a series covering the entire Persian alphabet and will continue building
on lessons learned to create short stories with words that your child has learned in earlier books
of the series. We recommend this book to all parents who would like to teach their children both
English and Farsi.
To order Click The Amazon link

Just For You #2 is a bilingual picture book of 140 English and Persian words. Beautiful illustrations enhance ease of learning. Common words have been chosen, starting with the first eighteen letters and sounds of the Persian alphabet in book #1 and the rest of Persian alphabet in bock #2 On each page, children will see both Farsi and English words, with an associated illustration. This book is the second in a series covering the entire Persian alphabet and will continue building upon lessons learned to create short stories with words that your child has learned in earlier books of the series. We recommend this book to all parents who would like to teach their children both English and Farsi.

این کتاب جالب علاوه بر اینکه کتابی خواندنی و مفید در ادبیات کودکان است. میتواند همانند فرهنگی کوچک و قابل اعتماد مرجع خوبی در زمینه جغرافیای عمومی استان ها و شهرستانهای ایران و پاره ای اطلاعات تاریخی مربوط به آنها باشد